This line:
OK itโs what I was calling the time&distance slider. But it does not make the map changing?
EDIT: right now it works. The map changes when moving this slider. -
Yes, I see. The info box uses the speed set in the plugin, and also uses this speed to calculate the timestamp. Unfortunately the lowest speed is 10 kt.
I have added an option under
to select slow speed for the slider. -
OK I have got it, by now I am not able to open the route planner. It seems to be blocked. -
OK sorry I did not do in the right way, I must create the route first ! -
Hello I have a bug today (yesterday October 8 was fine)
on 2 differents computers, same error:Message that appear :
Elevation did not load:
TypeError: Failed to fetch -
Flight Plan is great. Thanks.
Thank you!!! Let me know if you think of any improvements.
Can you add native support of Skydemon route files? It saves a route in 6 different file formats including GPX, but it uses a slightly different strings compared to the way your plugin creates a GPX. Also, Skydemon's *.flightplan file has the most proprietary data available.
Try loading a skydemon
file now.Still not able to save in their format.
I also added the mobile sliding-close style. (Dark theme not right yet)
@rittels great! Thank you very much! Saving is not a big deal, because I only use loading function to check weather along my route.
Can you re-check it one more time, please? For some reason, Flight Planner doesn't pick up the first (starting) point from *.flightplan route file.
PS: I re-uploaded my RAR-file, because url was broken.
@igor-320 try now
@rittels thanks! Is it possible to include altitudes as well?
your example goes from level=3000, to level="MSL", then up again to 5000.
Test a few more examples.
@rittels year, the 1st leg = 3000ft msl,
2nd = 5000,
3rd = 4000,
4th = 3000.The plugin loads altitudes, but they values don't match for some reason.
try now
< PrimaryRoute CourseType="GreatCircle" Start="N501953.00 E0155714.00" Level="3000" CruiseProfile="ISA 1000ft - 2270rpm" Rules="Vfr" PlannedFuel="113.560000"> < RhumbLineRoute To="N500925.45 E0152302.00" Level="MSL" LevelChange="B" /> < RhumbLineRoute To="N500907.45 E0145006.55" Level="5000" LevelChange="B" /> < RhumbLineRoute To="N502259.35 E0152304.85" Level="4000" LevelChange="B" /> < RhumbLineRoute To="N502548.00 E0151959.00" Level="MSL" LevelChange="F" /> < WeightBalance> ... < /WeightBalance> < ReferencedAirfields /> < /PrimaryRoute>
Your example shows: 3000-> MSL -> 5000 -> 4000 -> MSL, but I think I get it now: The PrimaryRoute contains the default level, and if the later routes says only MSL, it implies the default Level.
What does LevelChange mean?
It took me a while to figure out myself how things works (I'm not very tech-savvy person) ๐MSL is a default value for route altitude that's set in aircraft options (aircraft - edit - climb & descent). In the above's example it's repeated for the first and the last leg of a flight. I checked out my aircraft settings, and it's set for 3000 above mean sea level.
LevelChange="B" (Change level before this leg starts)
LevelChange="F" (Start changing level when this leg starts)See screenshot below. for taking a time to implement it! ๐
PS: you can you download Skydemon and try to make your own tests? It's free in trial mode for 1 month.
Try now.
Thanks for the explanation. I have been planning on doing this for a while. Thx for the inspiration.