Sync wind speed on ribbon with altitude slider
In the bottom forecast ribbon, is there a way to display the wind speed for the altitude selected by the user? Currently the wind overlay updates when the altitude is changed but the forecast values for wind remain unchanged in the ribbon.
The forecast diagram shows the speed and direction of wind at different altitude. You just need to select Airgram. -
@idefix37 thanks. The airgram is useful but there are a couple of issues. The scale displays pressure altitude (hectopascals) which isn't easily converted to actual altitude. The resolution of the wind barbs is coarse as well (5, 10, 15 kts).
Would be nicer if the actual altitude was displayed and there was a configuration that only displayed data below a maximum altitude (as a paraglider, I'm not interested in winds at FL15). Also, simplified barbs with a line pointing in the wind direction and the strength number at base would provide more detailed information.
No, this is the reason why I suggested to use Airgram. You can easily switch between to 3 models available for altitude readings: ECMWF, GFS, ICON in Europe and ECMWF, GFS, NAM in North America.