Inaccurate forecast issues
I have used this program with amazing success over the last few years, however, this summer the app has been so far off of reality that I wonder who is making decisions with the app now.
Have you changed your algorithm?
Did you lose a contract with someone and no longer get correct info from buoys?When this app is calling for 1 foot seas, I should not expect to end up in 5 foot chop with whitecaps. 4 out of our last 6 trips that called for 1 and 2 foot seas ended up with 4 foot or higher chop with whitecaps.
This app has become so unreliable that it’s not worth the space it takes up on my iPad.
Thank you for your post, however please note:
Windy does not create any forecast data but instead only visualises forecast and actual data received from various third party providers.
Windy shows data from 2 wave models: WAM from ECMWF and WAVEWATCH3 from NOAA. Do you check both of them?
These models have a medium resolution. So some local conditions of wind may give a worse sea state.
Depending where is your boating zone, Windy offers higher resolution Wind models which give you a better idea of expected waves height locally.
At the end, you must always crosscheck with official weather advisories at sea when you plan your trip.