Free climate data from ECMWF/Copernicus
Maybe interesting!/home -
The CAMS data looks great on the map. Thanks.
I have a question about NO2 in Alaska. There are two very concentrated and localized areas. Are they due to oil drilling. What is going on there to cause such an intensity of NO2 there?
Thanks. -
It could be gas flaring in connection with oil extraction.
Or diesel power stations if there is no fire at same place.;c:-142.2,64.4;d:2019-06-28..2019-06-29
Updated.In fact the most likely reason of the high concentration of NO2 in Alaska is probably due to wildfires which produce both this toxic gas and fine particulate matter PM2.5. If you compare these layers on Windy you see today:
The emission of NO2 and PM by wildfires is shown by this interesting article you make the same comparison in North Sea where there are gas flares on platforms at sea, you see only NO2:
@idefix37 @Tomber42 @Stan1024 The areas with high levels of NO2 are caused by fires, check following links:,no2,60.866,-132.495,4,p:off
BTW, last summer we discussed about the possibility to add a « Fire layer » and Ivo agreed :
Is it still in the dev pipeline?
@idefix37 yes