Windy launches Satellite layer
Nádhera - jste jedničky !!!
Very good!
Love it ! this sites the best.
A very useful feature, almost indispensable. Together with others, it provides an almost absolute understanding of future weather changes. Thank.
Grate job!!
Far the best weather platform I´ve ever seen. great job, Windy Team !!! -- From Buenos aires
Thank you all! This is the BEST!
From Papua New Guinea.
Well Done
@ivo its very good. I liked to use this new layer. here on my computer and my iPhone its run perfect! I apreciate windy app I use every and I liked these "windy red hats" too. tks windy team!
Very nice. Keep up the Good work.
Very nice and valuable feature. Only complaint is that it is extremely slow to load on my PC. The speed on my phone app is just tolerable.
@ivo I used it to help forecast the Pan-Am gliding competition in Canada and its working very well, thanks
I would like to be a part of your team, great work :)
@Jirka80 I sent you a message in chat.
I love it!
This post is deleted! -
Guys, the product description needs much more details. Your work is tricky, Say that the info comes from EUMETSAT it is not enough (you are using the logo of EUMETSAT without rules.) The acquisition rate of typical MSG is of 15-min and you are showing with a time step of 1min? Please identity the satellites (names,/version), channels, specify how do you transform 15-min in 1min. Are you correcting the satellite pics for the zenith angle? The ways how do you show the things is only cosmetic for visualization purposes and do not involves any type of calculation, please be correct with the science community!
@iv I really do like the satellite layer- I love to watch the sun sets on the thunderheads -such a grand idea - windy is great weather -thanks for what you do -HTabor Chillicothe , Tx
- list item
Perfect layer