Windy launches Satellite layer
this is a amazing addition, everyone I show it to loves it. Smart move.
Hi @fanta5 , why do you think so? Our satellite layer is available world-wide. If you encountered any problems, please tell us more in Feedback & Suggestions channel.
@battcomp Yes, Himawari 8.
if you're in the Western Solomons at the moment, you'd appreciate just how useful Windy's Satellite layer is. not to mention the ECMWF fcsts and all the other stuff. love yr work Ivo & co !!!
Perfect, Very nice!!!! I like it
Great! Thanks
Fantastic ! I can see the light fading over my Family in Australia while I'm waiting for gales & thunder here in Spain. This development is very exciting for me. Thanks to all the Team. Your effortscare much appreciated.
@fanta5 It is. I'm in S.E.Spain looking out the window and seeing the light increase as well as watching it onscreen 1 Amazing. Beats TV anytime.
its about time ,I love it
@lonniel70 Moi aussi
Para mi uso y servicio, es excelente y suma mucha información ya que ressido en área agrícola ganadera y me es necesaria la previsión del estado del tiempo. Muchas Gracias WINDY from BALCARCE , provincia de BUENOA AIRES, ARGENTINA
Nice notice
Looks good.
Excellent idea..It can only get better...
I love it.
The moar data the better! Thanks, Windy! Best “weather” app ever!
This is amazing! Thank you! I just learned about in August from a visitor to Alaska from Oregon. Thanks to we were able to organize our adventures according to where the forest fire smoke was minimal to none using the Air Quality PM setting. When we took a water taxi to an island out of Seward, AK the business owner commented on how lucky we were to get a smoke-free day. I told him it wasn't luck and wrote down for him.
@ivo & the Windy team....... Thank you :-):-) All... The best !
Hi Windy Team,
Love the new satellite, but only issue would be the K Index and if this could be switched by clicking the legend to Celsius to Fahrenheit to Kelvin etc. This would then make it easier for those around the world to understand what the cloud tops are in there region metric units rather then International Standard Only.
Apart from that loving the satellite and update.