Windy launches Satellite layer
Satelite Layer, just brilliant!
IMO all it lacks is orthographic projection like this....,95.10,361
When I first went online in the 90's and found the grainy, low res satellite images I was enchanted and hooked! I didn't have the imagination to see where you guys would take it.
My heartfelt thanks to all involved.
The site you mentioned ( provides SATELLITE layer
in orthographic projection ? -
Hi - I like the satellite imagery of the clouds very much!! The shadow effect relative to the sun's position in the sky really helps visualize how fast clouds are building, what direction they're moving in, what the coverage is. I like the feature, and hope you keep and develop it.
Love it...sometimes seeing a Sat-view puts all the data in a clearer perspective.
Today the satellite layer shows clearly wildfires in Northern Territory, Australia.
At same time, the CO layer shows high concentration, and to some extend it is also the case of NO2, SO2 and PM2.5 which are produced by combustion.
In addition;c:132.6,-13.4;d:2019-10-21..2019-10-22 -
Very nice and useful. Thanks
@cmdrgr I like it. My eyes are my best instruments.
@Gkikas-LGPZ I agree, it would be great if the picker showed brightness temperatures. This together with the model soundings would make it easy to identify cloud top heights. @ivo
Nice and helpful ! congrats!
This is so great! Thank you all so much. Will donate today!
Some sites have ground radar imagery with satellite imagery:
Is this something that can be eventually added?
art r.
@cloud-maven1 Hi, thank you very much for your feedback!
Yes, this is something we are thinking about. -
This is what I have been looking for! Your competitors used to have the "infra+" and removed it and a lot of other handy views. Now, if you cold do a desktop temperature window I could trash them altogether!
I'm loving the new Satellite/Rain Radar features!
Congrats... state of the art!
@ivo Well Done!!
For a split second I thoughts those airborne red caps might have been helium balloons with miniature drones onboard.
Amazing use of satellite technology ...congratulations on the new layer.
Just watching smoke from the current NSW , AU, coastal bushfires..terrible loss of bushland...over 150,000ha burnt so far. -
@vikkypandya Thank you!
Awesome, great work. Thanks for all your work, team!
desde Nicaragua, considero muy buena la nueva version de Windy, interesante y mas facil de interpretar, Felicidades!