Meteo radar prediction for 90 minutes
Would be great to have a feature to see prediction for meteo radar to have a chance to hide from storms/blizzard or protect property.
CHMI offers this for "middle Europe", not sure about others...
Please see the following thread and @idefix37 's post there.
@idefix37 said in Weather Radar !:
Weather radars provide images of instant rainfall. If you gather images during the last hour, it will give you a sort of video of the last rainfall during this hour.
A weather radar can NEVER provide predictive images.
Same as your camera can take pictures or video but never shows images of the future.
Weather website or App showing so called « future radar » show an extrapolation of the last radar image applied during the next hour. If a new rain zone appears during this time you will not see it. However there are some high resolution weather models which are able to provide rainfall forecasts that look like a radar image. This not radar but just an avatar of radar. -
@jmh2002 OK, I understand but is there any possibility to add this prediction into Windy? Is there any free "extrapolation data?
This type of prediction giving images « like » radar images needs to use very high resolution model (about 1km). It has been developed by some official weather offices but I doubt they are available and free.
You mentioned CHMI works, but looking to their radar page I have not been able to see any prediction phase, just explanation. Could you give a link?
Then if you think that Windy could show this type of radar-like prediction for all radars displayed on this site, you are dreaming. ECMWF or other models don’t offer the suitable resolution to make what is called « now casting » -
Herem they offer 60 minutes prediction.
Thank you for your input, replies and feedback, it was just an idea :)
OK right, I made a wrong calculation with UTC.
As other example, this development made by Meteo Suisse (Switzerland) based on COSMO model 1 km