Summer raises its voice, a very hot phase is coming
Here we are, after this period dominated by the fresh Atlantic currents coming from the north-western quadrants, another heat wave is ready for Europe, especially the central western one.
Mathematical models in fact begin to frame a clear and decisive rise in the tropical bands starting from 140 hours, with a leveling of the tropical strips over most of Europe and a polar jet that tends to flow very north of latitude.
Unlike the last heat wave, which was very strong but of ephemeral duration, which occurred during the month of June, we are faced with a real anticyclonic wall that will rise to protect Europe without the help of a dynamic forcing (see the intense depression that was present on the Portuguese Atlantic in June).
This leveling of the tropical bands between the ocean and the continent represents the topical moment of summer, the most lasting and intense stable phase that could be for at least 15 days.
To support the thesis of this new heat wave are:
- a very intense African monsoon and 2) a consequent Itcz (intertropical convergence line) placed at more northern latitudes than the average.
An itcz in a higher position provides a greater thrust to the hadley cell making it easier to extract the tropical anticyclonic belt to the north.
Summer will therefore return to raising its voice, bringing a long period of stability and a clear increase in temperatures.
Jacopo Zannoni
The member of the storm chasers group ZenaStormChaser from Genoa, Italy. Follow ZenaStormChaser on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter