wind direction & speed values over Mediterranean sea
There are significant differences between wind speed and direction displayed at WINDY then those shown
On flightradar24 aircraft data in the same area on eastern Mediterranean sea.
today, July 17th on 1100UTC the readings around 100NM south of Cyprus at flight level 400
on Windy were from 250 at 60-70 Kt
And on Flightradar24 aircraft data from the same area from 305 at 50-60 Kt.can you explain?
CS21 -
You are comparing forecast data (Windy) with observed data
(I supose Flightradar24 shows measurments from aircraft's AMDAR system (Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay).
This is one reason explaining the difference.
In my opinion there is no signifficant diference in wind speed (60-70 vs 50-60).Differences in wind direction may be due to jet stream afecting the area.
Furthermore, errors can occur when the aircraft is maneuvering (roll angles > 5).
After all, we don't know if the instrument is well-maintained. -
... BTW, is there any free source for AMDAR (or ACARS) data? -
no I dont... :-(CS21
Thanks for the explanation.