Why compare forecast models?
Thank you for this very useful option that I frequently use.
Would it be possible to display this compare tab with an hourly resolution for the premium subscription ? -
@hoggi Not at the moment, but we will think about it.
how can I change durable the prognose model?
When i close the App after changing the model and start it again, ECMWF is preselected again!Thank you for your help.
Regards from Munich.
@robi67 Hello, you can save a different default model in Settings -> Start-up location and layer –> Use last overlay.
@Korina This Option is Not available in my iOS device
@dkumpe Hello, it is available under the Start-up layer -> Use last overlay. You need to have the correct model selected before choosing this option.
@Korina Hello, NEMS data not available to compare models (my area is covered by NEMS...)
NEMS is not available for local forecast (basic meteogram used in compare feature). It is replaced by METEOBLUE.
NEMS is only used as map overlay. -
@Simona-Polackova Can shifting and changing of the model affect the overall prediction analysis? Let me know. Thank you.
@fontsqueen Each model offers a different forecast, so yes, changing model will affect the displayed forecast in detail and on the map.