Ωmega blocking system over Western Europe ...
... will result a heat wave.
...with high temperatures records expected unfortunately ! -
... followed by severe thunderstorms ... -
Yes for the end of the week mostly.
Even today AROME predicts thunderstorm in Normandy which are impressive when looking to Temperature and Wind layers at 18h UTC.
https://www.windy.com/-Temperature-temp?arome,temp,47.887,2.120,7,i:pressure -
Yes! I'm impressed of how the surf. temp. falls after downpours.
(like a bomb's blast) and how the model immitates the downdraft.https://i.windy.com/a/3i8/567tdb.mp4
Even better in your video !
Yes this 'Cold Pool' as described above is very noticeable by feel of course, but it's nice to see the 'bomb' illustrated graphically.
That really does display what you 'feel' is happening, THANKS :)