No Radar
No radar and we are in the middle of severe t storm/tornado outbreak. My entire map is gray, when asking on forums I was told no radar anywhere? This is not good for saving lives. Not good for a donators pocketbook either.
That’s strange because I see radar echoes over Wisconsin. Seems you have right now a stormy and rainy weatherIf you change to other country, for instance in Europe, do you see grey map everywhere?
Yes, no radar even in France.
Radar seems to be working for me. If you are still experiencing a problem can you please provide more information such as version, platform, OS, browser, etc. Screenshots might be helpful too.
@LisaMay has already provided screenshot in another thread where she started this discussion:
Thanks, but the 'please donate' thread is probably not the right place for this bug report. Let's keep the discussion in this thread :)
Hopefully @LisaMay will update us with more info such as version, platform, OS, browser, etc.
@jmh2002 Firstly, I asked a question about where to find the donate button in that forum and donated. Which I question now. Secondly, note also that it then was added to this forum. Idefix37 was kind enough to look at it and possibly assist in the "donate" forum. Which I may add is more than I am getting from the Windy team. That is after email, this forum and facebook message. So yes, lets keep the discussion in the thread - it was put in, this one. What else do you need from me to solve this. I would hope this is only a setting needing a tweak. Please advise. Lisa
Radar seems to be working for me. If you are still experiencing a problem can you please provide more information such as version, platform, OS, browser, etc. Screenshots might be helpful too.
Hopefully @LisaMay will update us with more info such as version, platform, OS, browser, etc.
So far I have not seen anyone else reporting this issue so for the moment I'm guessing it's something specific to your setup, hence the information being requested.
Thanks :)
jmh2002 mentioned you in No Radar
@LisaMay @jmh2002 said in No Radar: > Radar seems to be working for me. If you are still experiencing a problem can you please provide more information such as**version, Unk this was just downloaded Friday of last week only version I am finding is this tiny bit of text on index of windy page index.html version: 20.1.0 built: 2019-07-11, 13:38
platform Laptop
OS Windows Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134
browser, Firefox Quantum 68.0 64 bit
No radar yet, and satellite does not work, all the other categories appear to be functioning.
Ok thank you, so the difference I see there (compared to my tests) is Firefox browser. Can you test with Internet Explorer / Edge, and if you have Chrome too that would be helpful.
If Firefox has any type of ad blocking or security add ons can you please also try to test with them switched off.
Also in the left hand menu select > Settings > Error Console and check if anything is reported there.
@Simona-PolackovaAre there any known compatibility problems with Firefox browser?
@jmh2002 I tinkered with Firefox and turned all I could as far as blockers. Firefox used to have one button that turned off all blocking for sites and they have removed it, so you have to go one by one adding site URL which I have done and nothing was corrected. That being said, I will be using chrome or IE with your site rather than Firefox until Windy can figure out why its being blocked by Firefox. Thanks for your response. Please advise when this bug is worked out for all of us FF users. Thanks Lisa
Any news here? I am pretty sure the problem is related to Firefox 68. Version 67 is OK.
@TomSlavkovsky bump? :)
It is definitely a FireFox issue. I was rambling too much in my reply above. Chrome and IE worked fine with windy. I am hoping the bug is worked out soon with FF, nothing worse than flip flopping browsers.
Update: it's working again for me. The previously problematic system has now FF 68.0.2 running, maybe the patch level increase had helped, or maybe there was a change to the Windy page.