Windy launches Route Planner
pourriez vous m'expliquer pourquoi je n'arrive pas à supprimer des étapes mises par erreur lors de la planification
La croix est inactive ???
Merci de votre retour
Autrement super application -
Merci de ne pas multiplier les posts pour une même question. C’est inutile !Please do not post several messages for the same question, it is useless.
Finally you can import your gpx file to route planner.
There are three ways how to do it:
Menu -> Upload KML, GPX or geoJSON file -> Upload GPX and open it in Route Planner
Open route planner -> Drag & Drop GPX file to route planner window
Open route planner -> More options... -> Import GPX
Enjoy and stay safe
This has most likely been previously answered, but is there a way to set a start and finish time in Route Planner? I've been searching the posts and comments but unable to find if this is possible. Thanks in advance.
@sailawayjim Hello, the duration depends on the set speed, which you can newly add.
As @Korina explained, you set the duration of the trip by setting the speed. Then you can choose your departure date and time by sliding the time slider along the time line. -
@idefix37 Thanks for the reply, but unable to set slider before current date for a multiday trip.
Below began on 05 January.
No of course, but I do not see the reason why you want to start the Route planner in the past. You could start it from your way point 6 or 7 ?
Windy does not store and show past data. -
@idefix37 You are correct, the past is past. Old habits die hard! Thanks for opening my eyes and the quick response.
Fair winds and safe sailing to you ! -
While using the Vendee Globe plugin is it possible to measure the distance between the boats?
@taeoo Hello, no it is not possible to do it at the same time.
Hello, how can i use a route planner on iphone? Regards
@marekd hello, good job for desktop version but how fan i 8se the route planner on iphone please? Regards
@ryde2k how you use it on ipad mini or iphone? Thanks
@marekd good job...but how to show this window automatically when you start windy
@marekd it is possible to use route planner on windy on the web and not site windy premium !!!
what can i do ? -
What do you mean with "not site windy premium" ?
I imagine you are talking about the Windy app ?
Yes, Route planner is not available in the app and you cannot do anything about it. As said above in this topic, "It is almost impossible to make route planner available at mobile phones due to the complexity of the UI". -
Do you have any plans to add additional weather models for route planner, besides ECMWF? I'm particularly interested in ICON-EU & NEMS with bigger resolution for Europe 🙂