Windy launches Route Planner
PS I also just saw the discussion of changing the forecast as time progresses. This is definitely important. If youc an do this you are getting close to software like Weathertrack and Predictwind (the latter is brilliant but expensive).
this function blocks the satellite time display and control
Thanks Windy for developing this. The change came along while i was using it to route a sailing vessel on a long passage. I have a few suggestions.
- please add possibility to change the model view (GFS/ECMWF) or show a comparison in the bottom bar. This is very useful to get a better handle on forecast reliability.
- it would be good to keep the normal slider bar with the forecast timeframe still useable in this mode. There is a slider bar but it does not show the days/time until you click.
- (mentioned by others) Add the absolute wind direction. this is important as it's the way every sailor refers to wind
- (mentioned by others) Show the coordinates live when dragging points, this takes away
- bug 1: the line and route points sometimes disappear when zooming. They come back after some more zooming and panning
- bug 2: There's a bug when removing a point. I usually start with setting the destination as a first point, then set the current position of the vessel as second point. This gives me the course to sail. I then add another point on that line for every 24h for easy referencing of where the vessel will be day +1, +2, etc. I then remove the first point and then i'm left with a position point per day. However, this is not reflected in the bottom bar.
- Having a functionality to change moving speed, and then show weather along the way as it is forecasted along the track, would be helpful as this is what we're eventually after.
Great tool!
Give the comment on the to-come speed of movement, am I right in that what I'm seeing right now are the conditions along the route but seen at a chosen instant in time?
If so, adding the speed of movement would be great. Can I suggest that each leg - between waypoints - should be able to have a different speed set. This would (for boats!) allow for tidal differences and wind effects when going around headlands and simply over time for tide near shore. -
Great job!
- For wind direction I would personally prefer to have absolute wind directions. I find it easier since it would be alligned to what is found in METAR/TAF along the route, and thus easier to compare. Wind direction and intensity are otherwise intuitive to me, but if not messy numerical values could be displayed while hovering on the arrow.
- I am not sure it is stated somewhere, but for which altitude is the dew point spread given?
Thanks for existing !
Any chance of making this optional, so you can revert back to non profile mode?
You loose a lot of screen real estate and the play option to auto cycle through time with this new feature.
Thanks - Eduardo -
Recurso muito util e interessante.
@bluenomads said in Windy launches Route Planner:
Great tool!
Give the comment on the to-come speed of movement, am I right in that what I'm seeing right now are the conditions along the route but seen at a chosen instant in time?
If so, adding the speed of movement would be great. Can I suggest that each leg - between waypoints - should be able to have a different speed set. This would (for boats!) allow for tidal differences and wind effects when going around headlands and simply over time for tide near shore.Absolutely brilliant! Don't keep it a secret!
What an excellent feature, and cements the fact that Windy is thinking outside the box and pushing to progress the fine art of weather exposition..
- The time and therefore weather should be presented along the route correct for the predicted time of arrival.
- Maybe actual route planning for road traffic - maybe as extra chargeable, tie-in with TomTom or another route provider?
- use a small icon of the intended user, car for car journey, plane for flight etc.
Those are my thoughts so far, but a great feature, look forward to it arriving on mobile.
I like the new functionality. There is one thing that I miss:
I used to set a waypoint easily on a specific latitude/longitude in the old version. Would it be possible to display the lat/lon next to each waypoint, just like this is done for the weather picker? Of course updating realtime when a waypoint is dragged.......
At the moment it's a bit of a guessing game to put a waypoint on the right lat/lon.
Thank you,
Hey guys, we just published a new version of our route planner. Just some small improvements.
- added switch to change direction of movement (relative/absolute wind and wave directions)
- added "reverse route" button
- route detail remains open when waypoints are changed or any changes are happening
- uncountable ammount of minor fixes
Thanks for your feedback, we have been working on another version :-)
at you can find a simple version of a routing tool where you can adjust boat speed and starting time. what is missing here though is the forecast in table form or even as a graph. i'm sure windy can go one better. :-) thanks for all the helpful tools!
If possible to zoom in on the "time line."
At least to an hourly zoom
Would be "a nice to have" feature -
Love it, once I had a play and got used to the new features. Good stuff Windy.
Good job Windy team! Best App kml not uploaded why are problems sir?
it's in Kilometers?!!! for navigation???
Wen we try to sue te "distance and planning"tool its provided in kilometres! at sea we use nautical miles.
I think most of this has been said but just to reiterate, from a sailing perspective there is little point having the forecast along the entire route for one moment in time as clearly, for a journey of any length, the situation will have changed substantially by the time the boat (moving at 6-7kts) has got there! So it would be really nice if 'boat mode' by default showed the predictions along the route given a specific boat speed.
That said, I have now got the hang of the fact that the weekdays along the top of the table do not relate to the weather beneath (this was very confusing) and I can make predictions by shifting the bar around. It's a bit cumbersome, but nonetheless worthwhile and helping me guide my friends across the Indian Ocean.
The last request is that the routes be save-able! (if they are already I have not seen how?). It is a pain to have to keep re-entering multiple waypoints everytime I come back to the app!
Thanks for everything, this is the most brilliant weather program in existance!
Dear Windy,
Nice feature; I will use it to track distance to my enroute alternates! However, can you provide me the definitions of 1) ECMWF and 2) GFS? Also how is Windy defining [cloud height] 1) medium clouds and 2) low clouds?