Windy launches Route Planner
On VFR, the gray shades are R.H., OK.
What is the lower limit of the shaded area? 50% ? 90% ?
The shades are every 10% ? -
Hi @marekd ,
could you check the "Freezing Level" line/trace in the cross-section display for the correct plotted height?
I have attached a screen shot (below) showing the EC forecast freezing height at Cootamundra (see picker) as 3000ft.
The cross-section freezing height line is up near the 2000m/6000ft level at the same point. The height of the topography is ~420m.It doesn't look right????
 for long distance road trips to get the wx along the route? The point by point works but it would be far easier to just import based off a currently planned route from a .gpx or .kml.
Does this mean you can plot out an ideal path based on weather criteria? Because I've been using the app to find the coolest place to camp each night as I make way through the desert, and it's pretty tedious. Can I now say, "this is my destination" and "find the relative coolest point along the route" (taking into consideration the temperature at 10pm, and also at 10am the next day)? That would be rad if I can do that!
@marekd How do I use this? I don't see "distance & planning" anywhere in the menus...
Great job...however I could not find how to set distance in nautical miles (NM) for boats !?!
Got it !
Great, I like this new feature a lot...used it to plan our passage across the Tasman Sea from Hobart - Australia to Nelson New Zealand last May.
Regards, -
How can we modify Boat's speed/Sailpolars ?
@Gkikas-LGPZ It is not so easy. It depends on values around, on geopotential height, on the decrease in value with height and more... But here is a picture with imprinted values. Hope it is what you need :-)
Thank you.I thought it is something like this (where the green shades depict R.H >70%)
In Windy's VFR route planner the grey shades seem to stand for R.H. aprox. >90%
@marekd I saw you guys have changed the behavior of mapping and planning feature to keep the point position visible while we drag it over the map. Now the new feature is perfect for my experience.
Thanks a lot and congratulations again!!
It's very interesting and relevant but i would prefer the distances in nautical miles for the boat.
Thank you very much for this excellent program and the features enculded. In the new feature for the routes or waypoints you show the weather along.
A servere problem for pilots (IFR) is - to know the tops where you get out of clouds. So if it would be possible to show the clouds (bottom to top layer) along the route it would be phantastic.Best Regards
Wolfgang -
Cloud tops and bases are already provided in route planner.
Unfortunatelly the forecast models are not so good on these parameters.Personally, I read these data with caution (fog forecast, too).
Although cloud top forecast is difficult to compute,
cloud tops computations for "now" (real time) is easy, using INFRA+ satellite images and soundings. hope developers will add the ability to read cloud top temperature, using the picker. -
super useful - I look forward using this in winter for long-distance balloon rides!
a suggestion:
for "Share", would it be possible to include the use case ("Car, hiking", "VFR flight", "Boat") in the link to be shared?
reason: when briefing a bunch of pilots, everybody should see the same view without further clicking around
Thanks for this useful feature. Is it possible to also include the relative time/speed? It's because when I plan a route I always see "covered distance - time - weather"
Say, if I leave at 06:00 and after 4 hour I cover 25nm, all I can see is the distance bar, yet I cannot see the time hence weather forecast at 10:00 on that particular position
I hope I explained myself well
The routing function looks very promising. But for a sailor it is uninteresting to know how the actual weather is at the destination 300 nm away for example. It would be great, if on the basis of a speed indication of the boat the weather would be determined, which is to be expected with the arrival of the boat at the respective place.
@marekd Thanks for the up grade and the great new tool.If possible, could we have a nautical mile option for the boating ?