Airgram Blacked out
This started yesterday with the Airgram being blacked out. Same with Firefox, Internet explorer and Chrome. I did reinstall Chrome after a complete uninstall but no change.
@GnarfleTGarthok hi, I am not able to reproduce it, do you use an adblocker? What operating system do you use?
I'm using Win 10. This also occurs on My office computer and my laptop. Chrome on the office computer isn't fully blacked out but it is garbled
Office computer Chrome

Office computer Internet explorer is blacked out as above. Same with my laptop
Three different computers, All showing the same. This started last night. No problems with it before then. -
No add blocker on my office computer but laden with IT "stuff". Turned it off on my laptop. Removed it from my home desktop. Reinstalled Chrome after uninstall on my home desktop and the problem is still the same. No problems with any of these computers until last night. The app on my iPhone still functions fine.
One thing sticks out is AirGram takes a while to update. It spins the half circle for a while. Something around 15 seconds. Much longer than before. I tried it on a couple of different public WiFi networks also but the blacked out condition is still their as well as the latency. I don't know if its just not pulling all the data?
Still experiencing this problem. Any Ideas? Whee do I get help?
Finally found a better site than windy for this information.