Widget display
I'm trying to understand the information on the widget. It's just a bunch of numbers with no labels. The first row seems to be a display of different times of day (in military format, which I'd really prefer to see in 12H format). Then there's the temperature (in Celsius, which I'd really prefer to change to Farenheit), then there are two rows of numbers that I have no idea what to think about. What is all is this, and can we have a simpler/customizable widget display?
You can change the setting in the main app. At the bottom right hand corner you will see 3 lines. Click on that then scroll down to settings. You can then change everything the way you want with the 12 hr and everything else.
Yeah, except it doesn't respect the preferences I've entered into the settings. It's finally reflecting Farenheit, but still won't give me 12H time format. And I still have no idea what those bottom 2 rows of numbers are. Can I make those go away?
Here you can see that I've specified 12H format:
And here you can see that the widget is giving me 24H format, along with a whole bunch of numbers that I have no idea what they are...
Probably the same as the Meteogram you shown in a previous post -
@idefix37 Do you know if there's a way to not display that? It just feels like a waste of real estate.
... a waste of real estate, Hmm ?!
I think it's pretty normal for « Windy » widget to show wind speed and direction.
So far, there is no way to customize this widget.