A few important questions...
I upload data from two stations to Windy, and am hoping this website will take over from the floundering Weather Underground. I have three questions: -
Is it possible to upload past data to Windy? I have over 10 years of data.
When I tap my stations within my Windy favourites, how can I see my rainfall data?
Why is pressure not visible on my mobile app? It shows on my iPad and PC.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
@WessexWeather Need to bump this up as answers to the above questions are important to me (and probably others).
Another question: My weather data is uploaded every 5 minutes, and automatic refreshes confirm this. However in the “About this Station” section to the right of the meteogram it says “Reporting time: 60m, avg delay: 30m”.
- You can't upload history. Not much point anyway as only past 30 days worth of data are kept.
- No rainfall data is available. It's ingested but not available. Perhaps it will in the future.
- Not sure about pressure on mobile. Maybe someone else can answer that.
Weather upload interval will update after 1 week.