Active fire radar?
Hello all, I'm from the Humboldt California area and we among other countys get fires every year. I would love to see an as up to date as possible fire lines and containment status for your radar. I know there is a active fire radar like ArcGIS but it requires a subcription to veiw it. A few years ago there was a big fire in southern california that got very close to some family and I couldn't monitor it to see how it was progressing. Of course I haven't the faintest idea how that information is gathered so I don't know if it's possible or not.
Do you know these satellite observations from NASA?;c:-112.4,37.5;t:adv-points;d:2018-10-10..2018-10-11;l:firms_viirs,firms_modis_a,firms_modis_t
It could help you.
And one day Windy could visualize these data too... -
@asteeves91 +1
btw, here's a thread for fire map: