Uncommon meteorological event in Brazil
dark day wayback data
A fell days ago (August 19, 2019 ) a uncommon meteorological event happened in Brazil, the City of "São Paulo" became dark durring the day (bettween 2:30~4:00PM GMT-3).
That was one of the biggest topic on social media on that day.[https://twitter.com/search?l=pt&q=near%3A"São Paulo" within%3A15mi since%3A2019-08-19 until%3A2019-08-20&src=typd](Twitter on that day)
[https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2019/08/19/dia-vira-noite-em-sao-paulo-com-chegada-de-frente-fria-nesta-segunda.ghtml](report with several photos of that day)
Some specialists are sayng that this is related to the burnt forests and deforestation of amazon rainforest, that is generating too much CO2, that is traveling to the city of são paulo with the wind. This CO2 mixed-up with the existent high levels of poluition on that city, and a cloudy day, blocked the sun, and give us this sensation of "dark day"
I'm tryng to do a "fact checking" here, so.
- Anyone can confirm that this event is related to the amazon rainforest issues ?
- There is a way to get the data from that day (August 19, 2019) to check the Co2 concentration and wind direction ?
This topic have no intent to be political, i'm brazilian, i know that is a shame what is happening with amazon rainforest, let's focus on the event and in the questions ok ? -
Wind direction over S. Paolo on 19 Aug /12 UTC , were:
at surface : from South 10~25 km/h
at 1000m : SSW 15 km/h
at 3000m : W 55 km/h
at 5500m : W 60 km/hSatellite images for that day, can be found: