How is cloud coverage calculated
I have been looking at the cloud coverage predictions used in Windy. I commonly find cases where the (total) cloud coverage percentage is less than the Low, Medium, High cloud predictions.
For example, using ECMWF at a particular time I see
Low Clouds 0 %
Medium Clouds 64%
High Clouds 70%
Clouds 54%I just can't wrap my head around what that means. How can the total coverage be less than both the Medium and High cloud coverage?
In the description of the Clouds layer it says: "Clouds and rain/snow accumulation in the last 3 hours". All I can think of is that this is an average of the clouds in the past 3 hours, whereas the high, medium, low is hourly. Is that what is going on? The sentence is ambiguous at best.
I would appreciate it if someone on the Windy team could respond to this post. I would like to understand how total cloud coverage is calculated.
Bill -
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