Wind speed and direction interpolation.
What is the best way to interpolate wind data? Which method do you use?
Interpolating the u and v vectors, results in the speed of the interpolated value being relatively lower.
Interpolating the direction and speed, rather than the vectors, appears appropriate for small angles, but not for large angles.
Perhaps a combination, dependent on the size of the angle?
I am doing a lot of interpolation in the traj plugin, to get the trajectories smoother.
@rittels Hi, there is not a "right" method. We are using the first method - Interpolating the u and v vectors, results in the speed of the interpolated value being relatively lower.
@BarboraSamkova Thanks!!
Played around with the different methods here.
Drag the cursor around in the blocks to see.
I use u & v interpolations.
There is one gotcha when you do angle interpolation wrt to wrapping: avg(310, 50) is 0 not 360 / 2.
@vicb Thanks.
Yep, I correct for that.
But, u & v interpolation better, at least for large angle differences.
I like method 3, though probably slightly slower.