Is mercartor projection a prejudiced projection?
Mercartor projection has huge projection errors! For example, Greenland is almost twice the size of Africa, and it portrays countries in the northern hemisphere larger than those in the southern hemisphere, which is totally wrong! North America is almost twice the size of South America! Brazil, for example, is about the same size as the United States, and Australia about the same size as the whole of Europe. This map is controversial, and in many places is considered a biased map. It would be nice if it were modified for more modern projections such as google uses!
All map projection are wrong. You must make compromises when you project a spherical surface (the globe) on a flat surface (map).
The Mercator projection is perfect for navigation, not for geographic application.
The true Mercator projection does not show countries of northern hemisphere larger than those in the southern hemisphere. At same latitude north or south the surface deformation is the same. -
Here is a fun tool to experiment with, and I have set an example of New Zealand compared to Italy:
The True Size Of...
(complex url, need to copy and paste)!MTQyODg1MTA.MTIxODQ0MDQ*MjEzMzI3OTM(MTYyNDY4NTU~!NZ*MTgyMDMxMTc.MTgwODcyMzk(OTA)MA