Location name
My GPS location is accurate but what it is labeled as is not. It keeps showing the name of a town that is 25 miles from our house. And that is not the closest town to our house. No other app or map tags our location with this town's name so I'm confused where the name is coming from. I think the name was correct when I first started using Windy but it changed at some point.
Are sure that your GPS is used for your location in Windy?
In Settings, there are 3 possibilities:
By one of your FavoritesTo be sure to see your location, just set your location as favorite and select it as Start-up location
Yes, I made sure. I even tried changing it to IP but it changed to a different town, in the other direction from where I am. If I zoom in, the physical location is correct to my street. It's just labeled with a totally incorrect name.