Political Disputes on Iskand Identification between Korea and Japan
Just need to remind your office that if we try to search location of Takeshima.. Japan.. your system does not return with any responses. While using Doktoh ? it seems to return with position as Iskand in South Korea.. This island is in the middle of focal point of political feud between 2 nations. If you base your observation on both recorded historical facts and past international recognition then the claim made by the nation occupying the island by force at this moment should not be approved by international community.. at least the matter should be examined and dealt by Haag's World Court etc.. I would appreciate if Staff of Windy could take a neutral position rather than adopt one sided claim. Many thanks
@babyseals This has been answered before: the base map, and labels, are not built by Windy...
Thank you for your post, however the place names are not controlled by Windy.
Please see the following posts about how the map data for Windy is sourced and displayed from www.openstreetmap.org:
Please also note: For every language, a different place name label can be displayed, so please choose your correct language and data display.
Further discussion of place name and language issues or disputes should be directed to the OpenStreetMap Forum here: https://forum.openstreetmap.org/index.php > scroll down & select > users: (the relevant country for your dispute and/or question)
In the case of a political dispute please leave such topics out of the Windy forum and instead focus on the discussion of weather.
Thank you :)
@babyseals sugestion,lets both country agree to make it a no mans land..... animals ,fishes territories,only no human ,same as all others places on earth where people are ready to go to war ,for a place ,that in first place belongs to animals ,its just political non sense.
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Political Topics & Posts Are NOT Acceptable.