route planner going crazy between hawaii and marshall islands
@adamochwat Hi, thank you for your report. It is known leaflet antimeridian bug. We will try to fix it with new version. Thanks!
thanks for the reply!
@marekd said in route planner going crazy between hawaii and marshall islands:
leaflet antimeridian bug.
Hi @marekd , I am facing this very same issue with the "Vendée Globe Tracker". I have found several solutions, but none seems very easy nor clean to implement. Just in case, has there been any progress on your side concerning this?
@kbsali Unfortunately, we did not come up with a reliable solution, just some fixups and workarounds... Our rplanner now works around antimeridian, but it would be better to say "works fragile" rather than "works".
@marekd Hi, Marek!
Any solution on this issue. I challenge the same issue. What means exactly "fragile"?
Can it be done any other way?
Maybe to input longitude as 180deg+ e.g. 186Deg, 190Deg...
Looking forward to your reply! Thanks!) -
@windlurker Hello, could you please show us the issue you are having?
In the meantime I tested the Route planner across the Pacific. It works quite fine if you manually plot the route (not import it). But the mobile moving on the route disappears when crossing the meridian 180.For Route planner use, I must add that a long trip have to be cut into small sections, even with a fast commercial ship, because after 4 to 5 days the weather forecast is no longer reliable at a local scale. You will need then to update your Route planner and this is only possible if you stay online at sea, via a broadband satellite connection.
I am affraid we are not able to fix the issue without any other complications. This limitation comes from leaflet.js we use. Leaflet offers an option how it should behave around antimeridian (loop map or "extend" coordinates from -Infinity to +Infinity - see
for more info). We use "infinity" logic and change this would impact houndreds of another dependencies we are affraid of. -
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