Animations: 850mb, 700mb, 500mb, 300 mb Pressure Heights, Temperatures and Winds
Invaluable fields for advanced users are those which also represent the weather systems and weather types across various standard pressure levels in the troposphere, above the earth's surface. It would be helpful to complement the already existing surface animations and features with mid to upper level ones. Keep the good work! Many thanks :)
You just need to adjust the altitude slider at pressure you want, e.g. 850mb (850 hPa).....and so you get wind, temperature at this pressure altitude. As an advanced user you should get it easily ! -
Thanks, but not quite what I meant... You don’t have an option to simultaneously display on the same map standard height contours (similar to surface isobars) along with temperatures and winds at the same standard pressure field (500 mb for example)...
See More layer... you will find Geopotential height and temperature isolines at chosen altitude. So you can use them in place of isobars at surface -
I’m on the app it I don’t see the isolines option... am I missing something? Thanks
Pressure remains as surface isobars when I change the pressure fields...
I don’t have these features on my iPhone windy app... only wind particles and surface isobars as the only options showing.
OK. So I gather that some of the upper-level features are only available on the Web version?
Developers, please check these websites out:
Developers should be able to get some ideas for model animations of additional variables and fields. It would be nice to have additional animations that capture both upper-level and surface features simultaneously.
500hPa Geopotential Height, Sea Level Pressure, Relative Topography (Thickness) H500-H1000 + Surface Wind Particles
Sea Level Pressure, Relative Topography (Thickness) H500-H1000 , Hourly QPF + Surface Wind Particles
Sea Level Pressure, Hourly QPF, Clouds, Surface T