Would you like to receive Windy Alerts as push notifications to your mobile device?
Yes, Cell phone notification would be very useful.
Yes I would love mobile notifications about Good Weather so I can know when I can fly my FPV Quadcopter. That would be better than email as I would get it instantly not just when I check my mail. Thanks, fantastic service.
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Yes please
@ivo yes, much needed
Yes, I woudld.
I’d only like pushed notifications if there’s a danger, like tornado or sudden temperature change
@ivo Yes please
Yes, that would be a good option.
@ivo Yes please. Would be most helpful
@ivo Yes please.
@ivo Yes, thank you!
The short answer is yes. I would very much prefer to have push notifications that I can control over email notifications.
Yes I´d like to receive Wind Alerts.
yes, that would be very helpful, thanks!
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yes i would as your weather app is the best out there. as i can trust it.
Yes mobile Push notifications please. Also prevailing winds for a minimum duration is too ling IMO. I would like to know about sustained winds for more than 15 minutes, and or gusts above a threshold speed. Thank you for a fantastic product by the way
@ivo yes
.............нет ни каких идей и предложений...все мне нравиться и устраивает в вашей работе.