Get sea current/wind/wave data using TideTech API
Hello All,
As part of a research project I am trying to access wind/wave/sea current data using timestamp, latitude, longitude as input. For example I would like to get the wind force and direction at a specific geographical location(latitude, longitude) on a specific timestamp (2019-03-23 10:00) using an API call. My code is currently written in Python language. I am not interested in map visualization but on obtaining weather data on specific geolocations and timestamps using an API call.
From what I read in the Forum as of 2018, no historical data were available.
Could someone enlighten me on how this could be done for both present and historical (if available) data?
Thank you very much in advance!
Michael -
Hi Michael,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Since this is a complex problematique, I will be responding via email.
Best regards,
Miloslav Tlamicha
Manager of Sales