这个问题在国外总被外国人认为是政治讨论,而这个问题在https://community.windy.com/topic/8680/political-topics-posts-are-not-acceptable 已经讲到了。 同时,不是英文的帖子似乎他们不会看.. 有兴趣可以来 https://community.windy.com/topic/16314/there-is-a-serious-problem-with-the-map?_=1653973589624 看看
Posts made by 45624da
RE: 地图问题
RE: There is a serious problem with the map
in fact Google maps is not be allowed to visit in china now. and how to delete this post.
RE: There is a serious problem with the map
@45624da The first words may cause misunderstanding.
RE: There is a serious problem with the map
In the eyes of Chinese or more people, Taiwan is a part of China. In this map, this may cause some Chinese users to feel unhappy. If not corrected, the website maybe will be blacklisted by the Chinese government.
RE: There is a serious problem with the map
I don't want to talk about politics. I'm just worried about the website being banned in China. So don't mix with politics. others,I just Feedback a question. No more meaning.