In the past week or so, the entire layer overlay has started going black. For example, instead of showing any colors on the wind layer, the screen will be black occasionally. It works sometimes, but then the screen will go black. The "display on map" objects are still visible. Sometimes changing the zoom level will temporarily fix the issue. This is on iPhone running iOS 17.5.1.
Posts made by aerocooper
Overlay goes black on iPhone
RE: Slope of Environmental Lapse Rate on Sounding
I agree, that would be really helpful to have a plot that's basically the derivative of the environmental lapse rate. It could be an option on the sounding forecast to switch between the environmental lapse rate forecast and the derivative of that chart, showing degC/km for example.
Thermal Map Broken
The thermal map is showing 0 m height for all locations at all times of day. This is a recent bug; it was working properly yesterday.