Just letting everyone know I finally got my Windy working with galfert's help. We abandoned the meteobridge "Weather Network" method in favor of his HTTP with a few mods to what I was using. If you still need help get a hold of him but I will post his method here.
Follow these steps.Remember this is for Imperial and not metric. You will need to change this to suite you.
Go to Services tab on the Meteobridge
Click on the Select Service drop down and select HTTP Request
Click on Select Event Type drop down and select Periodical
Click on Add Service Event button
You'll now see new fields to fill in above for HTTP under Event Definition section
Change frequency to Every 5 minutes
Set Retry to 2 Retries
Copy and Paste the following URL:
https://stations.windy.com/pws/update/XXX- Your very, very, very long Windy-API-Key goes here-XXX?winddir=[wind0dir-avg2]&windspeedmph=[wind0wind-avg2=mph]&windgustmph=[wind0wind-max10=mph]&tempf=[th0temp-avg5=F]&rainin=[rain0total-sum60=in.2]&baromin=[thb0seapress-min1=inHg.2]&dewptf=[th0dew-avg1=F]&humidity=[th0hum-avg1]&uv=[uv0index-avg5]
Remember to keep the "?" at the end of the API key -XXX?
Fill in Success: SUCCESS "In Caps as shown"
Click on the Save button at the bottom
***Don't forget to disable the Windy upload in the "Weather Network" tab***
Go you your Windy page. Mine is as an example. Look for your Windy ID along with your lat-long or log in and enter it after /pws- https://www.windy.com/station/pws-f075a2d9
All credit goes to "Galfert" Many many thanks to Galfert for getting me up.
I am sure a fix is coming for those with the Meteobridge.