You can already get an idea of the ice coverage which is shown by ECMWF wave model (ECWAM). The areas over the sea but without waves data are covered by ice. But the resolution is probably very coarse.


See what ECMWF says about this question :
“Near sea ice
Sea ice is not static but forms or extends with low air temperature or sea-surface temperatures, and can move with winds and sea current. NEMO passes information to ECWAM regarding the extent and movement of the sea ice field forecast by LIM2, allowing a more realistic definition of what is open sea throughout the forecast period. In the current operational version of the wave model, the interaction between waves and sea-ice is not actually represented. Where sea ice cover >30% all wave parameters are set to missing (i.e. no valid values). Wave products near ice-edges may be of lower quality than for the open ocean. This may be due to uncertainty in sea-ice cover, or in the detail of an ice edge and consequently also in the boundary of the water area. Spurious areas of ice or incorrect extent of ice will act as if a coastline or island and stop waves from propagating correctly, possibly decaying the waves completely and incorrectly sheltering an otherwise exposed location.”