@idefix37 A common expression for swell in italian is "onde di mare morto". See the picture attached taken from the book MANUALE DI INGEGNERIA PORTUALE E COSTIERA by Ugo Tomasicchio, https://www.hoepli.it/libro/manuale-di-ingegneria-portuale-e-costiera/9788820346430.html.
"mare morto" in italian means "dead sea" and I can't conceive waves as something dead. I personally do not like it and would prefer "mare di fondo". Since there may be more than one swell coexisting at the same time, we can name them in italian "mare di fondo 1", "mare di fondo 2", etc...
Summing up:
- translating "swell" with "moto ondoso" is misleading
- Swell in italian can be translated with "onde di mare morto"
- I personally prefer the translation "mare di fondo", consistent with the spanish language
- If in doubt, better to keep the expression "swell" in the italian version of windy.