Thanks Windy for developing this. The change came along while i was using it to route a sailing vessel on a long passage. I have a few suggestions.
- please add possibility to change the model view (GFS/ECMWF) or show a comparison in the bottom bar. This is very useful to get a better handle on forecast reliability.
- it would be good to keep the normal slider bar with the forecast timeframe still useable in this mode. There is a slider bar but it does not show the days/time until you click.
- (mentioned by others) Add the absolute wind direction. this is important as it's the way every sailor refers to wind
- (mentioned by others) Show the coordinates live when dragging points, this takes away
- bug 1: the line and route points sometimes disappear when zooming. They come back after some more zooming and panning
- bug 2: There's a bug when removing a point. I usually start with setting the destination as a first point, then set the current position of the vessel as second point. This gives me the course to sail. I then add another point on that line for every 24h for easy referencing of where the vessel will be day +1, +2, etc. I then remove the first point and then i'm left with a position point per day. However, this is not reflected in the bottom bar.
- Having a functionality to change moving speed, and then show weather along the way as it is forecasted along the track, would be helpful as this is what we're eventually after.