HATE IT!! You could see wind and gusts in the same icon menu, before. Wind is only 1/3 of the true forecast, without gusts, worthless. Wave and wave hight are good if you are in-shore, offshore swell is key - can't see that anymore in the same menu. Pretty sure the developers there don't understand boating.
Was the #1 app for planning trips from Great Lakes to Bahamas - looking for something else...
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RE: New version is terrible
Latest posts made by bmeade1569
RE: New version is terrible
HATE IT!! You could see wind and gusts in the same icon menu, before. Wind is only 1/3 of the true forecast, without gusts, worthless. Wave and wave hight are good if you are in-shore, offshore swell is key - can't see that anymore in the same menu. Pretty sure the developers there don't understand boating.
Was the #1 app for planning trips from Great Lakes to Bahamas - looking for something else...