I love this web site, thank you. One suggestion. I find reading your forecast panel difficult and time consuming. Would you consider providing an option to make the Basic forecasting display the data in graph form(see insert) instead of text. I can look at this graph and within seconds know the weather for the upcoming week. It is simple, clean and user friendly. Thank you.
Best posts made by boisvert
Display Basic forecast in graph form
Latest posts made by boisvert
RE: How to show radiation stations on Windy.com
@vegomaticjuicer Okay...why are there two separate "More layers". Confusing.
RE: How to show radiation stations on Windy.com
I do NOT see "Radiation" where it says pick "Radiation"
Desktop version
Go to the bottom right corner of Windy.com
Click on More layers
Pick RadiationTherefore I cannot see the radiation stations. Any ideas?
Display Basic forecast in graph form
I love this web site, thank you. One suggestion. I find reading your forecast panel difficult and time consuming. Would you consider providing an option to make the Basic forecasting display the data in graph form(see insert) instead of text. I can look at this graph and within seconds know the weather for the upcoming week. It is simple, clean and user friendly. Thank you.