Dear @marekd
We have tested and seems the hack you have shared us, has worked as expected.
Thank you for your support!
Dear @marekd
We have tested and seems the hack you have shared us, has worked as expected.
Thank you for your support!
If I upgrade the Point Forecast API key to Professional today i.e. 9th Feb 2022,
when is the next payment date ? Will it be on 9th Feb 2023 ?
If I want my next payment date to be 1st March 2023, should I upgrade the API key on 1st March 2022 ?
I already have the Professional API key of Map Forecast and this next payment date is 1st March 2022.
If possible, I want the payment date of 2 API keys to be the same day.
I have tried making payment with FastSpring; however their email has not arrived.
Can Windy and FastSpring confirm the current situation of our account?
If this continues, we would like to process with manual payment (which we have requested last year).
Dear Windy reps,
I am a paying API subscriber from MOLIS.
We have sent an email to Miz Simona for our tax exemption form.
We need Windy side to fill-in 3 sections in the form for us to file it.
Please request her to check the email.
Dear @marekd
We have tested and seems the hack you have shared us, has worked as expected.
Thank you for your support!
We want to use "worldCopyJump: false" in our system, but it seems that it is being overwritten to "true" somehow.
We were confirming the API specifications and other user manuals of Windy, and it has not stated about the "worldCopyJump" or any other features which are being restricted through API.
Thus, we want to confirm why this is happening.
sorry, seems the other 2 GIF images are too big.
I have sent the files to Simona Poláčková for reference.
Hi, we are creating our system, incorporating your Windy API, Leaflet, and our internal position info.
We are having difficulties only during Windy mode (when windy API info is displayed)
It seems that the Zoom/Bounds options are working correctly, but the worldCopyJump is not working correctly,
and causing the icons to jump to the other side of the map.
Please advise us if there is a way to incorporate the worldCopyJump properly.
Image 1: target code/option
Image 2: Leaflet situation (when the center crosses the international day line, icons still appear)
Image 3: Windy situation (when the center crosses the international day line, icons disappear)
Hi, I was wondering if this data is available through the paid API.
I have been searching for a single data provider with multiple area/continents; however I have not found any except
I do understand that it is difficult due to the protection laws of each data provider, so please do not hesitate to say no.
Dear dmb575hillman
What is written as place names are directly from "Leaflet" API.
Thus, what you have specified/pointed out should be toward "Leaflet Map" and not to Windy.
Also, most of the people world wide cannot see the difference between NYC and New York.
Thank you for your response.
We will try and confirm on our own.