Dear Sir Madam,
I am a weather man and follow the weather everyday. I noticed that the accuracy of the forecast goes down on Spring and Autumn, especially precipitation.
Dear Sir Madam,
I am a weather man and follow the weather everyday. I noticed that the accuracy of the forecast goes down on Spring and Autumn, especially precipitation.
Many thanks. I didn’t know there are available. Now I found it. Thanks again.
I suggest you add as a display layer of Isobar Contours lines with interval of four millibars for the following layers; hpa850, hpa700, hpa500, and hpa250, or it could be optional in the altitude icon. And it would be great to overlap the Isotherm Contours lines too in different colour with interval of five degrees.
I am suggesting to add Isobar and Isotherm Contours for upper-air charts: 850hPa, 700hPa, 500hPa, and 250hPa.
Dear Sir Madam,
I am a weather man and follow the weather everyday. I noticed that the accuracy of the forecast goes down on Spring and Autumn, especially precipitation.
Dear Sir Madam,
I am a weather man and follow the weather everyday. I noticed that the accuracy of the forecast goes down on Spring and Autumn, especially precipitation.