@peterh337 A switch to "classic UI" or icons was fine. (Expert-mode?) Old code was fine, no need to delete.
Or open altitude slider without all the menu?
Or click on icon to go, wait on icon to open submenu?
In the quickmenu is the switch off to on , could also be a on to off for clean map?
Best posts made by Caefix
RE: New UI is a really bad idea
RE: animation feature removal
@Suty 🌱🪲🐞🐝 Safe the bugs! Animations had ~60m views a week ago, now it´s 64.9m.
There are >100k users You have not noticed. Each other weather channel would be proud for that resonance. It´s a node of science gone. 🌪 -
RE: How to read Meteogram
@Claudio-Grego It´s the same color per windspeed as in the maps.
RE: Please bring back the previous interface for desktop
@Suty The icons are associated with the layer´s color schemes, but there are also color-blind users, others have changed them.
RE: O=S=O unit is µg/m³, not mg/m²
@idefix37 Now I have an new bookmark for firefox. :)
RE: Feature request: Rain history
🌦📊 https://zoom.earth/maps/precipitation/#view=42.7,-41.9,4z/model=icon
Here some data can be reviewed up to two weeks. But it´s the recorded model´s forecast data, not necessarily confirmed by the real/measured, and not the sum of a timeframe. -
RE: Can I see past weather previous data for a specific area?
@forsbergdk There are archives for radar & satellite only.
RE: New UI is a really bad idea
@Suty For further confusion the new pin is added at the top, how possible was to drag & drop?
RE: New version is terrible
❤ Something works, at least on desktop: https://i.windy.com/a/548xr/5mo7xh.mp4
But I miss the option "Save at home only" and can´t delete it from windy page. :/
Maybe You need a 3rd party screen-recorder? -
RE: Windy führt Radar+ Layer ein, der Satelliten- und Radaransicht kombiniert
For me it works fine with Andro 14 (Samsung S7), but not with 8.1 (S. A7).
Tried 42.5.5 and Browser (DuckDuckGo). Only grey map, no time-bar. -
RE: How can I manually change the order of each item in the layer?
@Takashi-Mori No, sorry, the order is spooky. Now I have clouds (base above top) and wind/gust bubbles mixed and can´t seperate them, Their order in the folder seems to have priority or if it already had a place in the column?
RE: New version is terrible
@Ocean-Skipper said in New version is terrible:
... but please find a solution in which you can download a defined region over a 3 or 5 day preview. That would be very helpful for trip planning. Thanks
RE: Rain in Germany but not in Sahara.
@vujacicm 🧐📚 More to read...
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266614200_The_Sahara_A_Desert_of_Change -
RE: GeoColor satellite imagery competition - zoom.earth & Ventusky
🛰🗺 There´s another complication beyond the satellite-data.
Length of equator = 40000 km, tropics = 36.800 km, polar circles = 16.000 km,
Cylindrical projection needs some stretching towards the poles. So dimensions of weathersystems get distorted, too.
The sharpness is somehow like optical zoom vs digital zoom.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ee/Worlds_animate.gif/220px-Worlds_animate.gif -
RE: Error msg when trying to create an animated video
@Ken Here it also happened once or twice per week. Closing and reopening the browser usually helped. (Whenever I do a wrong mouseclick or fail to adjust something in the workflow, I restart the browser. Also when starting another animation.)
Especially the 3D animations are a bit tricky. -
RE: New UI is a really bad idea
How about a screensaver version?
Bubbles could be fish-shaped, swimming around, follow particle animation or circle around isolines...
A game for kids as an approach to meteorology....