The layers are easier to visualise and some of the buttons are easier to use. Quickly selecting a layer has become a bit faster because the name of the layer isn't hiding below your finger as you're changing and you don't have to remember the position of the layer in your list to select it.
However, I agree that there's a loss in useability:
- There should be a way to select altitude without opening the sub-menu. I did like how I could select altitude, layer and time just by dragging the side of the screen, as it didn't involve and extra click and the heights range spanned the heights of the device, which was fine on the tablet and allowed more precision than the new menu.
- I like looking at webcams, although I usually go and navigate to the parent website to see if it refreshes more often (or is a video instead of a still image). It used to be very easy to go to the right webcam travel page from windy. Ever since the webcams were moved to a slide up menu, the link directs you to the webcam travel home page, not that of that particular camera. When it was still on the right of the forecast, it would take me to the lookr site on which I could get the address of the original webcam. Is that functionality lost?
Otherwise, it's an awesome tool and keep up the good work!