Re: Extended forecast table on picker clicked API
Hello, I would like to know if this issue is still unresolved. Since we are paying for the use of the API and all its plugins.
Re: Extended forecast table on picker clicked API
Hello, I would like to know if this issue is still unresolved. Since we are paying for the use of the API and all its plugins.
Hi, use your api in my JS, doing customizations.
I have seen the solution in this post, we are making modifications to our windy map.
I will try on another computer, could you tell me how to activate the graphic compatibility? And where can I see all the possible configurations of windy?
Hi, thanks for the reply,
with a lower zoom there is no problem, we see all the layers perfectly, but when we want to see the detail of the roads, the map disappears.
Google chrome in macOS.
I would like to know if I have to do something to be able to see the streetmap when zooming in.