@Filip_K Nice to hear this, thank you again!

Posts made by chzhh
RE: Lack of ECMWF Updates?
@Filip_K What you saw is correct, and I also noticed that the point forecast for reference time 2024-07-02T18:00:00Z has been updated normally. This is a strange bug... If the point forecast for 2024-07-03T06:00:00Z has not been updated in the future, I will continue to let you know.
RE: Lack of ECMWF Updates?
@Filip_K Now there is a missing update for 06Z in the point forecast...But the layer forecast did not.
RE: ecmwf late again last few days?
@Suty Another appearance... ECMWF and ICON models, layer forecast has been updated to 06Z, while point forecast is still 00Z. Can you know the reason for this? The layer forecast and point forecast are not synchronized, which is very confusing. This issue often appears these days.
RE: Changing models shifts hours
The first hour seems to depend on the running time of the model. If the model runs from 00Z, the first hour is 01Z (If without crossing local time zero)
RE: ecmwf late again last few days?
@idefix37 The point forecast starting from 06Z and 18Z has also been successfully updated today, and it seems to have returned to normal. I don't know what happened in the past two days.
RE: ecmwf late again last few days?
@chzhh The ICON model's point forecast for 12Z has been updated now, but before the 12Z update, the point forecast was always 00Z, while the layer forecast was 06Z.
RE: ecmwf late again last few days?
@idefix37 Figure 1: Running time of layer forecast
Figure 2: point forecast, starting from 01Z, means that point forecast runs on 00Z
Figure 3: Compare forecasts
These pictures are all screenshots taken within 10 minutes. -
RE: ecmwf late again last few days?
@Aziztibba I have also noticed this issue, and it also appears on other models, but it only occurs in point prediction, and there is no problem with layer updates. This issue has been occurring frequently in recent days, for example, 06Z should have been updated, but the point forecast is still at 00Z.
RE: Sounding forecast 'model elevation' disappeared
@David-Ryzec-3 Thank you very much to the Windy team! I use Windy every day, it is a part of my life, and I also recommend it to my friends. Windy is very suitable for both meteorological professionals and the general public.
RE: Sounding forecast 'model elevation' disappeared
@Suty I am aware that the latest version of the mobile app is still 41.2.3, but when I open windy.com in the mobile browser, I can see the new UI of 42.0.1. In this UI, the elevation and model elevation in the sounding forecast are missing. Although the new version of the mobile app has not been launched yet, it is also fast, and I don't want this already good feature to be deleted.
Sounding forecast 'model elevation' disappeared
In version 42, elevation and model elevation are missing from the sounding forecast, at least on mobile devices. This feature is very important and helps me determine whether the model predictions at a point are reliable, especially in mountainous areas! Assuming the actual altitude of a point is 100m, and one of the models has an model elevation of 400m, I can know from it that all predictions of this model on this point are based on the assumption that the ground is 400m, without relying too much on its temperature prediction. The actual temperature is higher than the predicted temperature. And all of this is based on the simultaneous display of elevation and model elevation, which was present in the old version but not in the new version. The new version allows scrolling the timeline to view the sounding forecast, which is a great feature, but at the same time, I also hope not to remove the equally important feature of model elevation. Adding a line under TCON CCL LCL should not be a difficult task, and viewing the sounding forecast is usually done by professionals. Therefore, we hope that Windy can add this feature to mobile devices.
RE: meteogram / airgram
This is due to the occurrence of low clouds and fog at the 1000hPa level. I have previously reported similar issues and hope that they can add 1000hPa relative humidity to the meteorogram instead of a maximum of 950hPa. You can see my previous posts.
RE: Weather picker on Android browser not centering
@Ondřej-Šutera Okay, thank you and all the colleagues in the Windy team. Windy is a great app and I use it every day.
RE: Weather picker on Android browser not centering
@Ondřej-Šutera Yes, I turned off this button and the problem occurred
RE: Weather picker on Android browser not centering
@chzhh Version 39.3.2 is the most perfect display!