My name is Giorgio Ciacchella and I am located in Genoa, Italy.
I own a DIY personal weather station which is currently still under development, but I am trying to make it upload its data to as many websites as possible. Finding a good website that easily allows custom DIY weather stations to upload data via HTTP calls by providing the API documentation is hard, so I really hope this project will see the light.
1 My weather station is built on the Arduino-based microcontroller Particle Photon, along with the Sparkfun Weather Shield, Weather Meters, Sunny Buddy ad a 3.5W solar panel.
It runs on the Particle programming language, a close variation of C++.
2 I currently only upload data to Weather Underground [ x ]; I am trying to include other websites such as Weather Cloud and Open Weather Map, but WU is the only one that works at the moment. Hence my necessity to find other websites like the promising windy!
3 Running on C++ based source code, my weather station uses HTTP GET (and possibly POST) calls through a TCP client to upload its data.
4 In my opinion, a good API should be simple and have no ambiguities. It should also be easy to understand and to include in the source code of the weather station, have a tidy but flexible upload protocol structure and return useful responses.
5 Of course! My purpose is to get as much coverage as possible, in order to make my weather data easily and widely accessible, and so useful.