Oh, okay, thanks!
It's not the most intuitive format but ok, guess Windy.com still has something to improve.
Oh, okay, thanks!
It's not the most intuitive format but ok, guess Windy.com still has something to improve.
@crazyukrainian Depending on what Unit of measurement I have selected the value displayed changes to something like "X g:Y" where X and Y are integers.
What does "0 g:2" being displayed as wind speed mean?
Here is the relevant part of the Python code I am using to upload the data:
"ambient_str= "{0:.2f}".format(ambient_temp)
ground_str= "{0:.2f}".format(ground_temp)
humidity_str = "{0:.3f}".format(humidity)
wind_speed_str= "{0:.3f}".format(wind_speed)
wind_gust_str= "{0:.3f}".format(wind_gust)
wind_average_str= str(wind_average)
rainfall_in_str= "{0:.3f}".format(rainfall)
r= requests.get(
url +
creds +
"&winddir=" + wind_average_str +
"&wind=" + wind_speed_str +
"&gust=" + wind_gust_str +
"&rh=" + humidity_str +
"&temp=" + ambient_str +
"&precip=" + rainfall_in_str +
"&mbar=" + pressure_str +
"&dewpoint=" + ground_str )
I have used the rest of this code before with WeatherUnderground and there wasn't such an issue, so it's probably not that I am getting an invalid wind speed value calculated.