![alt text]https://yadi.sk/i/MiOt5BAoj8yRmA(image url)
Volzhsky is not the main city, it can be distinguished. BUT! The main city of the Volgograd region-VOLGOGRAD (formerly Stalingrad!) Is the capital of the region and it must be allocated first of all!
Latest posts made by Cros
Волгоград -главный город Волгоградской области!(Волжский -это хорошо,но не правильно!)
RE: Windy launches Satellite layer
@Gkikas-LGPZ A normal layer is suitable, but the user must turn it on and off! And thunderstorms!
RE: Windy version 14 brings sharper map and better colors
@ivo You are engaged in the appearance of maps, but the appearance and quality of forecasts is deteriorating every day. Settings are only effective when you enter. The 3D disappears and you get the impression that you only need accounts, not people who need accurate forecasts, and not the heat of the color of indecent Bad weather map.
Bad weather map.
Bad weather map. Invalid weather map. For two hours the forecast has completely changed.
Disgrace you work on appearance, but do not work on accurate and stable forecast!