Yes please! The weather in my area is greatly effected by local terrain, and you need to zoom quite close to be able to gain meaningful info. Being able to save a zoom level to your start-up location would be quite beneficial!
Posts made by dansroka
RE: Set custom map zoom
RE: Remember my display preference
Another vote for Having the iOS app remember the last selected display. Or at least a setting that allows us to select the startup layer.
The wind layer is cool, and I know it’s your name! but it doesn’t tell me what I first need to know about the weather. I usually launch your app to see what’s going to be happening soon — Via the radar, or forecast layers. Being able to chose to start on those would be much more useful to me.
Thanks for listening.
RE: Default Layer ...
I have the August 7 update (iOS 12.3), and the default layer still always resets to wind.