@nancystokes Can you try this?
@Andriy-Postelzhuk That’s not the lifetime subscription, Windy doesn’t have lifetime subscription,just yearly, as far as I know.
@Veracis If i may ask, what version of Android is that?
@Guenther610 Maybe different forecast model is selected.
@RichardTomlinson Try reinstalling the application.
@Ows-Leo-Briceno Android or iOS? Either way, in the respective Store, under your name,you have apps that you purchased. Find Windy and cancel subscription. Easy 🫛.
@scareycat69 Go to settings then apps and find Windy. Give all the permissions , set them to allow. Force stop the app, try to log again. If that doesn’t work, restart the phone and try to log in again.
@Eduardo-Costa There is no solution,you need to pay through App Store if you want to use it on Iphone., Google store is for Android users.
@vxyhvr7ybq Chose location and press “heart” in uper right corner.
@ColeHarry It would be nice to name at least one. No one here is cleairvoyant😉
@Fffandy69 Are you sure you don’t have have a subscription to a blue Windy? This one is red.
@beast23 You Need to login with your Apple id,for some reason you are not logged.
@cooldood06472 From what I can see, it’s alert from snow accumulation. Application is working normally?
Search for the specific location.What you find it,press on it . Afterwards that,inthe upper right corner you’ll see a heart,press it.
On the start screen,press the icon with your name and premium tag,you’ll get your favorite locations.
3.Repeat number 2.😉
@ColeHarry It would be nice to name at least one. No one here is cleairvoyant😉
@Suty said in Unable to go premium:
@Enver-Eno-Kikic Hello, do you have Windy downloaded from official Google Play? What device do you use?
From the screenshots,it’s a Samsung. Na onoj prvoj slici ,sta kaze kad pritisnes go premium? Daje drugu sliku? Kad probas restore purchase, sta dobijes? Reci ce da nemas i da kupis,tako bi bar trebalo. Probaj pa javi.
It’s the other way around, Android app has normal font size for temperature and you need a microscope for iOS . Just tried today on Android free version. I’m premium on iOS and and unpleasantly surprised.
@Enver-Eno-Kikic Prvo se registrujes a onda se logujes. Kako da se logujes kad tvoji kredencijali ne postoje u bazi😉
@thezbf Yes,you are right, This is the only option,unfortunately.