If it is open source and for free it would be a great addition for all Canadians!
Best posts made by Eldenroot
RE: Options to view the Canadian models, RDPS and GDPS
Feels like temperature
Would be really great to add "Feels like" temperature into Windy.
Sometimes the difference between temperature and "feel like! temperature is really huge!
RE: Feels like temperature
I hope that devs will read this and think about this :)
Pocitová teplota, predikce radarových dat a historie
Předem chci poděkovat vývojářům za skvělý produkt, který používám denně a bez kterého si už nedokáži představit předpověď počasí :)
Bohužel jsem našel pár věcí, které mi zde přímo chybí a musím občas kvůli chybějícím informacím použít konkurenční weby, abych si doplnil informace o počasí.
Zde napíši seznam:
- pocitová teplota - (wind chill a heat index)
- zobrazení radarových dat s předpovědí na dalších 90 minut
- možnost zobrazení dat o počasí zpětně (nejen aktuální chování, ale třeba ke konkrétnímu datu - zde si myslím, že by stačilo posledních 7 dnů?)
- spadlé srážky v mm
Mnohokrát děkuji, budu rád za každou zpětnou vazbu ;)
RE: Accumulated rain for week month and year
Will be there aby possibility to load data from some public weather database in future? I really like this idea and moreover I would like to see the weather history for lets say at least 1 month (something like Ventusky offers).
Meteo radar prediction for 90 minutes
Would be great to have a feature to see prediction for meteo radar to have a chance to hide from storms/blizzard or protect property.
CHMI offers this for "middle Europe", not sure about others...
RE: Is it possible to set default opening page filter?
I would like to see a new option to set a default tab.
RE: Dew Point
Not only dew point but add more data to compare...
Latest posts made by Eldenroot
RE: not enough fire map
@ivo said in not enough fire map:
Hmm we can implement it as a POIs on backend. Seems like 2 days work.
Still looking for this :)
RE: Is it possible to set default opening page filter?
I would like to see a new option to set a default tab.
RE: Feels like temperature
I hope that devs will read this and think about this :)
RE: Meteo radar prediction for 90 minutes
Herem they offer 60 minutes prediction.
Thank you for your input, replies and feedback, it was just an idea :)
RE: Meteo radar prediction for 90 minutes
@jmh2002 OK, I understand but is there any possibility to add this prediction into Windy? Is there any free "extrapolation data?
Meteo radar prediction for 90 minutes
Would be great to have a feature to see prediction for meteo radar to have a chance to hide from storms/blizzard or protect property.
CHMI offers this for "middle Europe", not sure about others...
Feels like temperature
Would be really great to add "Feels like" temperature into Windy.
Sometimes the difference between temperature and "feel like! temperature is really huge!
RE: Dew Point
Not only dew point but add more data to compare...
RE: Options to view the Canadian models, RDPS and GDPS
If it is open source and for free it would be a great addition for all Canadians!
RE: Accumulated rain for week month and year
Will be there aby possibility to load data from some public weather database in future? I really like this idea and moreover I would like to see the weather history for lets say at least 1 month (something like Ventusky offers).